Ataribox will run Linux and AMD custom processor, will cost $300

In June, Atari declared itself  "back in the hardware business" with the announcement of the Ataribox—a retro-styled PC tech-based console. One month later it emerged Atari plans to crowdfund the project, and now we have some hard facts on cost, and what's under its hood. 

Speaking to VentureBeat, the Ataribox creator and general manager Feargal Mac says an Indiegogo funding campaign will launch this year, and that the final product will ship in spring of 2018. When it does, it'll cost between $250—$300 and will boast an AMD custom processor with Radeon graphics. 

"People are used to the flexibility of a PC, but most connected TV devices have closed systems and content stores," Mac tells VentureBeat. "We wanted to create a killer TV product where people can game, stream and browse with as much freedom as possible, including accessing pre-owned games from other content providers."

Mac continues to stress the Ataribox's openness, and that while its interface is easy to use, users will be able to customise the operating system as they see fit.

"We’ve chosen to launch Ataribox with Indiegogo given their focus on delivering technology products, and their strong international presence in over 200 countries, allowing us to reach and involve as many Atari fans around the world as possible," Mac adds. "It’s a very flexible product, and you won’t need to spend more money if you don’t want to," he said. "In some ways, you are buying some freedom."

Due to launch an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign "this fall", the Ataribox is expected in spring 2018. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show