Everybody's Gone To The Rapture composer to host videogame music radio show

Classic FM is a long-serving radio station that's operated in the UK since 1992. As its name undoubtedly suggests, it tends towards classic music and, in-line with its 25th anniversary celebrations, is set to launch a dedicated videogame music show this year. 

Scheduled to run for six weeks from April 22 onwards, the show will command the broadcaster's 9pm-10pm Saturday evening slot and will be hosted by The Chinese Room co-founder Jessica Curry—the BAFTA-winning composer responsible for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture's wonderful soundtrack.  

"Fourteen years ago, Classic FM became the first station to broadcast a weekly national radio programme dedicated to film music," says a note on the Classic FM website. "Now, we’re launching the UK’s first weekly radio series dedicated to symphonic video game music."

Popular videogame series such as Zelda, The Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy have taken their orchestral shows on the road in the past, however getting game OSTs into the homes, cars and garden sheds of listeners who may be less inclined to seek out game music stands to showcase its worth (and maybe dispel a stereotype or two along the way) to a wider audience.  

"The six-week series will start on 22nd April and will run every Saturday from 9pm to 10pm," adds the Classic FM site's blurb. Until then, stick on this and browse Mary K's gorgeous Everybody's Gone to the Rapture screenshot gallery

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show