Get $99 worth of multiplayer games for $10 in the latest Humble Bundle

The latest Humble Bundle casts its money-saving, charity-supporting, game-gathering net over a range of local multiplayer games fit for bringing you and your mates closer together/driving you apart forever. From now through the next two weeks, the Humble Hooked on Multiplayer Bundle is live. 

By way of its familiar multi-tiered format, this bundle's base level $1 category houses Tricky Towers, Eon Altar Episode 1, and Primal Carnage: Extinction. Paying above the average, which, at the time of writing, stands at $7.37 (around £5.87), nets you all of the above plus Move or Die, the wonderfully named Ultimate Chicken Horse, and Rampage Knights; while forking out for the top tier—which will set you back $10 (approximately £7.96)—also grabs Arrowhead's four-player co-op twin-stick shooter Helldivers and its Ranger Pack DLC. 

Have a gander at Helldivers' PC release trailer:

Beating the average price of this bundle will also land you Move or Die and the Rampage Knights soundtracks. 

As always, vouching for Humble's bundles lets you choose how your money is divided between the games' developers and nominated charities. You can always choose your own preferred charitable cause, however this week's nominated organisations are Women Who Code, Girls Make Games, and the ILGA.

The Humble Hooked on Multiplayer Bundle is live now through April 11.

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Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show