Overcooked 2's new, free summer DLC is out today

(Image credit: Ghost Town Games)

Cooperative cook-em-up Overcooked 2 has a new free DLC today, entitled Sun's Out Buns Out, which includes a variety of suitable summer fare. The new content includes five new kitchens, two new canine chefs, and a couple summer recipes to top it off. Specifically, that's ice cream floats and summer salads. Delicious. 

Looks a lot like there are going to be hot dogs and the like as well, so that's fun. Frankfurters. A re-tread of the sauce spurting contraptions from the Carnival Chaos DLC. You know the drill by now. And if you do not know the drill? You're in for a treat. Here's a trailer and a description.

Overcooked 2 is a cooperative feast of chefs in chaotic kitchens. For example, from this DLC, it seems that you perhaps make food upon some carnival floats during a parade, or on a beach where fireworks are being actively launched. The fireworks will inevitably fall back down and set your kitchen on fire. This is the essence of Overcooked. We gave Overcooked 2 a 78 in our review. It's a fantastically tough game for the premise, one where only the most seasoned chefs will manage to serve up four-star mastery. 

Overcooked 2 has gotten a fat stack of both free and paid DLC since its 2018 release. You can read more about the new DLC on Team 17's website. You can find Overcooked 2 on Steam. 


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.