THQ Nordic buys Saints Row owner Koch Media

THQ Nordic has bought Koch Media in a deal worth 121 million euro. In doing so, the former also acquires Deep Silver—publisher of Saints Row, Dead Island, Kingdom Come Deliverance and the incoming Shenmue 3.   

After closing its doors in late 2012/early 2013, THQ's assets were snapped up by the likes of Koch Media and Nordic Games—the latter of which rebranded as THQ Nordic in 2016. Having grabbed the likes of Darksiders, Red Faction and Supreme Commander, Nordic jokingly said the rebrand was in response to headlines like: "Who the F*** is Nordic Games?

This move of course sees the likes of Saints Row and the Metro again attached to the THQ name, where it joins the likes of Biomutant, This Is the Police, and ELEX. THQ Nordic says it'll "closely monitor and delegate resources… in order to ensure quality and a healthy return to investment on [Koch's] large in-house development projects."

A statement adds: "Following less successful launches in recent years with substantial write-offs in the business area (primarily Agents of Mayhem and Homefront), Koch Media has made significant organisational changes in its management, internal steering and control, technology, as well as its selection process for development of IPs.

"With the competence THQ Nordic possesses on management level, Koch Media will be better positioned to deliver the full potential of its development projects in the future."

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show